COOPERATIVE - Identifying human factors challenges in connected, cooperative, and automated vehicles use cases
COOPERATIVE - Identifying human factors challenges in connected, cooperative, and automated vehicles use cases
Promoter: Associação CCG/zgdv – Centro de Computação Gráfica
Partners:Institutt for Energiteknikk – Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), Norway
EEA Grants: 12 090,60 €
Total Amount: 13 434,00 €
Grace Code: PT-BI041
Programme:What did this initiative focus on?
Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CVCA) will significantly transform our mobility ecosystem, with anticipated benefits in terms of safety, traffic efficiency and urban space occupation. However, they raise important challenges in the domain of human-machine interaction, which must be answered in order to ensure an appropriate balance between human control and automation.
The Centre for Computer Graphics (CCG) in Portugal and the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) in Norway are two R&D institutions working in the state of the art of the human-machine interaction discipline. Both cooperate closely with industry in their respective countries and internationally, seeking to understand how human behaviour is affected by automation and how the relationship between human and machine can be improved.
This initiative aims to establish institutional cooperation between these two institutions. It aims to identify the most pressing challenges in the interaction between human and VCCA, promote knowledge sharing and dissemination and the establishment of a collaboration plan for the future.
The initiative will strengthen institutional relations between the GCC and IFE while promoting a broader encounter with the scientific, industry and regulatory communities, in addition to the general public.
This effort is expected to improve the capacity of the GCC and IFE to respond to the challenges of human-VCCA interaction, reinforcing their role as reference institutions in their respective countries and in Europe.
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