BEYHOND Project Final Event


Join the final dissemination event of the BEHYOND project where the team will present the achieved project’s results.

The BEHYOND project aimed to develop an engineering conceptual design of a modular solution to produce hydrogen in large-scale from offshore wind energy. The solution is able to be deployed worldwide becoming, by producing and transferring hydrogen in large-scale, a large contributor in the decarbonization process of the energy system managing the wind energy intermittency.


  • Opening Session,DGPM/EEA grants, Mafalda Matos
  • Project overview, EDP NEW, Alex Coronati
  • Operational models and TEM, WavEC, Filipe Arede
  • System definition, Technipfmc, Nuno Vaz
  • Hydrogen production module, CEIIA, Joao Morais
  • Infrastructure design, CEIIA, André Gonçalves
  • Offshore installation, Technipfmc, François Letournel
  • H2 maintenance, WaVEC, Francisco Fonseca
  • Risk assessment towards bankability, EDP NEW, Alex Coronati
  • Q&A




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