Promoter: Instituto Superior Técnico


Høgskulen på Vestlandet

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

EEA Grants: 245.795,00€

Total Amount: 286.308,00€

Grace Code: PT-INNOVATION-0068



Universities are increasingly aware of the Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate (CDIO) methodology, which is a cross- and multidisciplinary approach to design of technology. The adoption of the CDIO process constitutes a shift from a more traditional engineering curriculum to a more modern stance, resharpening the educational focus from a narrower, technocentric position towards a broader, work system-oriented view, where people, technology and organizations are considered in unison. Novel main themes introduced pivots on system students, teachers and courses increasingly focus on technology-in-context, resulting in graduates which are better prepared to function in industrial multi-disciplinary teams.

The MARITIME project aims to develop a supplement to the present education of naval architects and ocean engineers on two conceptually different levels: I) at the knowledge level, with the purpose of designing a course that will provide students with basic human factors knowledge tailored for theses professional classes; and ii) at the social level, which will introduce teachers and students to a multidisciplinary environment, showing by example the value of cooperation between different professions.The Maritime Work System Design course will be practical through a high level of hands-on, classroom interaction and the active involvement of students, and will have outgoing activities to visit ships and have direct contact with seafarers.