
Promoter: Ocean Tech Hub, Lda.


Birdview, A.S.

Borgen Eckey

EEA Grants: 425.000,00€

Total Amount: 500.000,00€

Grace Code: PT-INNOVATION-0028



The main objective of the Peladrone project is to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of Portuguese SMEs through the development and implementation of innovative digital technologies in fishing processes.

To that purpose, drones specially adapted to marine conditions will be used, and which can take-off from and land on board of fishing vessels. With the help of artificial intelligence (image processing), the drone will be able to search for surface-related indicators, enabling potential catches to be identified at large distances. The drone is also equipped with a sonar device that can be lowered into the sea and identify biological masses below the surface, e.g., type and quantity of fish or presence of bycatch. The drone then communicates this information to the control center, thereby providing real-time information to the fishing boat and giving an overview of the nearest capture’s location. Data collection is done with the help of advanced sensor and detection systems that have been developed with the aim of streamlining the exploration phase, thereby reducing costs and time spent on biomass searches.