Construction of a Job Remuneration Evaluation System in the Collective Agreements (CA) of the Clothing and Leather Industries
Construction of a Job Remuneration Evaluation System in the Collective Agreements (CA) of the Clothing and Leather Industries
Promoter: Federation of Textile, Wool, Clothing, Footwear and Leather Workers' Unions of Portugal (FESETE)
ANIVEC/APIV - Associação Nacional das Indústrias de Vestuário e Confecção
APIC – Associação Portuguesa dos Industriais de Curtumes
EEA Grants: 200,858
Total Amount: 223,175
What is the project about?
The project Construction of a Job Remuneration Evaluation System in the Collective Agreements (CA) of the Clothing and Leather Industries' with a view for improving the Quality of Employment and promoting Equality aims to reinforce the knowledge and capacity of workers and employers organizations through the creation of a system of evaluation of job functions and remunerations for the professional categories of the production area in the clothing and leather sectors, anchored in the methodology of job evaluation without gender bias, with the aim of promoting social dialogue and collective bargaining expurgated from gender pay discrimination and concomitantly, promoting the quality of employment and equal opportunities between women and men.
It is an Open Call #1 project: System for assessing the value of work and pay and development of instruments for measuring gender inequalities in work organizations.
What will it achieve?
Create job evaluation indicators for the professional categories of production of the clothing and leather sectors, using the methodology of job evaluation without gender bias.
Contribute to the knowledge and information of trade union leaders, union delegates and members of collective bargaining groups, trade union and employer associations, on gender pay discrimination and equal opportunities for women and men.
Disseminate the results of the project with a view of promotion, through collective bargaining at sectoral and company level, of equal opportunities for men and women in the labour market.
Contribute, with the support of information and communication technologies, to the dissemination of the project and the sharing of good practices on the theme "equal opportunities for women and men".
Working together for a competitive and inclusive Europe
Links ResultsThe Project “Construction of a Job/Remuneration Evaluation System in the Collective Agreements (CA) of the Clothing and Leather Industries' with a view for improving the Quality of Employment and promoting Equality” managed to achieve the objectives it set and developed a research work for the sectors of Clothing and Leather, which made possible to analyse, evaluate and compare the functional content of the professional categories with the greatest weight in the production area of the Clothing and Leather industry.
The results of this research are reflected in the two studies carried out, for the Clothing sector and for the Leather sector, which were presented at the seminars held in Guimarães on January 12, 2023 (Study for the Clothing sector) and in Alcanena on January 20, 2023 (Study for the Tanning sector).
The two researches carried out made possible to identify situations of discrimination that still persist in the clothing and leather sectors, as well as situations of vertical and horizontal segregation that penalize and devalue the work performed by women in these industries.
In view of the results obtained, the partnership undertook, within the scope of the Social Dialogue and Sectoral Collective Bargaining processes, to reflect and intervene in order to mitigate the identified situations and promote the implementation of Equal Pay and Pay Transparency in these industries.