Large Projects “Strengthened Democratic Culture And Civic Awareness”

This Call  supports Portuguese NGO projects, which work towards strengthening democratic culture and civic awareness.

In 2021, supported projects should focus on monitoring public policies and organizing awareness-raising campaigns to denounce extremism, hate speech, and populism.

To apply, you should carefully read Call Notice #12 – Large Projects “Strengthened Democratic Culture And Civic Awareness”, the Programme Rules, Application Manual, and the instructions, follow this link.

This Call supports new projects that strengthen democratic culture and civic awareness in Portugal.


Applicable Activities

  • Advocacy activities, including the development and dissemination of policy papers/policy proposals;
  • Public policy watchdog and monitoring activities, including the implementation of recommendations or decisions taken at the international level;
  • Awareness raising, sharing of information in decision-making processes concerning public policies;
  • Promotion of e-participation tools that increase citizens’ participation in decision-making processes;
  • Collaboration between NGOs and investigative journalists to ensure transparency and combat corruption;
  • Awareness raising campaigns and actions that tackle fake news and disinformation and promote media literacy;
  • Awareness-raising campaigns and actions that counter extremism, hate speech and populism;
  • Partnerships and promotion of structured dialogue between NGOs and public and private entities.

Project Dimension and Duration

  • Large projects under this Call must have a total supportable cost greater than 20,000 euros and equal to or less than 75,000 euros, with eligible costs being co-financed by the Programme at a maximum rate of 90%;
  • The maximum duration of selected projects under this Call is 20 months, with an expected start date in March 2022.