Conference and Matchmaking within the scope of the Blue Growth Programme

10 May and 11 May 2022- Athens, Greece. Initiative under the Bilateral Relations Fund


Innovation Norway, in partnership with the Directorate-General for Maritime Policy, is organizing a Conference and Matchmaking in the area of Business Development, Innovation and SMEs, to be held from 10 to 11 May 2022 in Athens, with the aim of fostering partnerships and identifying business opportunities for Norwegian, Icelandic and beneficiary countries of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 operating in the sea economy sectors (Blue Growth): Portugal, Croatia, Romania, Poland and Greece. The remaining EEAFM 2014-2021 beneficiary countries will be invited to participate: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia. 


The event will have a hybrid nature (in-person and online). For the in-person event, the Directorate-General for Maritime Policy will be accompanied by 10 SMEs, EEA Grants Blue Growth Programme approved Project Promoters, operating in the following sectors: 

  • Green shipping, including hydrogen and electricity; 
  • Smart Ports; 
  • Offshore wind energy; 
  • Blue bioeconomy / algae production. 


The travel and accomodation expenses of the selected participants (one representative per selected entity) will be supported by the EEA Grants, by the Bilateral Relations Fund of the Blue Growth Programme, through the attribution of a lump sum in the amount of 1.250 €, under the “de minimis” State of Aid regime (Commission Regulation (UE) n.º 1407/2013, of 18 December). 


Participant who are not selected for the in-person event will be able to participate in the online event, by registering here Business Cooperation on Blue Growth in Europe ( 


Deadline for submission of applicants: 08 April 2022 at 23:59 Portugal Continental 


Application documents