
Promoter: Deimos Engenharia, S.A.


Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Instituto Hidrográfico

Pixair, Unipessoal Lda.

NORCE - Norwegian Research Centre, A.S.

EEA Grants: 394.998,00€

Total Amount: 464.703,00€

Grace Code: PT-INNOVATION-0027



Monitoring of the nearshore top-bathymetry is crucial for intelligent planning of the development of coastal areas, as well as for the protections of their ecosystems. Traditional bathymetric surveys from small craft and beach topography, with low temporal resolution, hardly meet the planning needs of companies or decision-makers who depend on coastal safety.

Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB), despite having less cartographic accuracy, provides better temporal resolution and regional/national coverage, thus allowing to assess impacts of local interventions. However, there is no record of an operational service for updating nearshore bathymetry at all relevant time scales.

SIMshore project aims to develop theprototype of a service for operational updating of the nearshore top-bathymetry using remote detection of ocean surface. Emphasis will be given to ocean colour derivation and inversion of the surface wave field observed at low altitude with unmanned air vehicles (UAVs). It will be co-developed with end-users around three applied cases: channels and adjacent areas, inland water bodies and coastal areas exposed to wave action.