
Promoter: ALGAplus - Produção de Algas e Seus Derivados, Lda.


CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental

in2sea - Inovação no mar, Lda.

IH - Instituto Hidrográfico

SES - Seaweed Energy Solutions, A.S.

EEA Grants: 421.118,00€

Total Amount: 495.433,00€

Grace Code: PT-INNOVATION-0024



Seaweed cultivation for food is a vast economic activity in Asia, due to the value of edible species for health and flavor (“umami”). In Europe, the cultivation of macroalgae (seaweeds) faces challenges related to economic viability and availability of species, as well as sufficient suitable locations to enable the exponential growth expected in the future.

The SølKelp project develops and implements innovative cultivation strategies with mutual relevance for both geographical boundaries (Portugal and Norway). Activities include the expansion of a nursery unit to cater for Kelps (brown macroalgae) in Portugal, growth tests in the Portuguese sea (to investigate technical challenges due to full wave exposure), and transfer of cultivation techniques for Palmaria palmata (“Søl”) from Portugal to Norway, where better conditions exist to produce this valuable species on a large scale.