
Promoter: Municipality of Loures


EEA Grants: 168 000,00

Total Amount: 200 000,00

Grace Code: PT-ENVIRONMENT-0033


ReNaturAdapt arises from Loures Municipality’s concern with a change of paradigm in relation to the type of action concerning the water lines - creating a strategic framework for them in the territory as an economic, social and environmental resource, focusing on their enhancement. The Action Programme for Climate Change Adaptation (P-3AC) seeks to achieve the second objective of ENAAC2020-implement adaptation measures, focusing on physical interventions with a direct impact on the territory. This application then advocates one of the lines of action, namely measures that reduce the risk associated with the increase in frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events. This promotes the development of the territory and the structuring of a society better adapted to climate change.

See presentation

See video

See website