Report Irregularities

The EEA Grants have a policy of zero tolerance for corruption and mismanagement.


The EEA Grants have a policy of zero tolerance for corruption and mismanagement, and its implementation is based on promoting good governance and the principles of transparency, accountability, and cost efficiency.

If you have knowledge of facts, evidence, or information about offenses that have already been committed or are highly likely to be committed, or that are being executed, falling under Decree-Law No. 109-E/2021, of December 9, which creates the National Anti-Corruption Mechanism (MENAC) and establishes the general regime for corruption prevention, and under Law No. 93/2021, of December 20, which establishes the regime for the protection of whistleblowers of offenses (RGPDI), you can report them to the National Focal Point of the EEA GRANTS.

Alerts regarding suspicions of serious deviations from the principles of good governance or irregularities in the implementation of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021 in Portugal can be submitted directly by anyone via email, mail, or telephone through the channel for irregularities and reports.
National Focal Point - Unidade Nacional de Gestão do Mecanismo Financeiro do Espaço Económico Europeu (NFP-EEA FM)
Rua Prof Gomes Teixeira, n.º 2 1399-022 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel:  +351 21 303 6070

For the proper handling of your irregularities alert, we suggest using "Irregularities Alert/Report EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021" as the subject.

Please provide as much detail as possible about the information you possess to ensure proper handling.

You may choose to file a complaint anonymously. The received information will be treated confidentially.

The NFP-EEA FM ensures the confidentiality of your identity, as well as that of the individuals involved and any third parties mentioned in the report. Your identity can only be disclosed due to legal obligation or a court decision.

Within 10 working days, the NFP-EEA FM, will provide a response regarding the handling of the alert. Please be aware that submitting your report under this mechanism for reporting irregularities does not replace the use of available legal means for the protection of any rights.

Alternatively, you can use the contact information of other entities involved in the implementation of the EEA Grants, namely the Inspectorate General of Finance, designated as the Irregularities Authority and the Audit Authority, or the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO), responsible for implementing the EEA Grants on behalf of the donor states, as well as the relevant law enforcement authorities.

Inspectorate General of Finance - Inspeção Geral de Finanças (IGF)
Irregularities Authority and Audit Authority

Financial Mechanism Office (FMO)
Entity responsible for the implementation of the EEA Grants on behalf of the Donor States.

If the report constitutes an irregularity, it will be reported to the FMO by the Inspectorate General of Finance, acting as the Irregularities Authority. Reports involving acts that may be subject to criminal liability will be forwarded, in accordance with Portuguese law, to the Public Prosecutor's Office.

All personal data is protected according to the General Data Protection Regulation, approved by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on April 27, 2016, transposed into the national legal framework by Law No. 58/2019 of August 8 and Law No. 59/2019 of August 8.


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