Large Projects “Vulnerable Groups Are Empowered”_
This Call supports Portuguese NGO projects, which work towards empowering vulnerable groups.
In 2021, the Programme seeks to support projects that promote economic empowerment through the training of vulnerable people and/or the creation or improvement of services aimed at increasing the quality of life of beneficiaries.
To apply, you should carefully read Call Notice #14 – Large Projects “Vulnerable Groups Are Empowered”, the Programme Rules, Application Manual, and the instructions, follow this link.
This Call supports new projects that capacitate and empower vulnerable people in Portugal.
Applicable Activities
- Adoption of participatory methods and/or innovative solutions in addressing the needs of vulnerable groups;
- Creation or improvement of support services to empower vulnerable groups;
- Support for youths at risk of social exclusion, including from marginalised communities, in order to promote successful social and professional paths;
- Support for victims of domestic and sexual violence, including their physical, psychological and social rehabilitation;
- Support for the integration, in its various aspects, of refugees, migrants, Roma people, and other minority groups;
- Support for the integration of former prisoners, homeless people and other marginalized or at-risk groups, including through the use of the arts, sport or culture;
- Provision of training for the economic empowerment of vulnerable individuals, in order to promote their integration in the labour market;
- Support for the mobilisation of older peoples’ knowledge for the benefit and inclusion of newer generations in marginalised communities, in particular through intergenerational cooperation and mentoring initiatives;
- Creation or development of digital solutions that may facilitate the integration and empowerment of individuals who are in vulnerable situations.
Project Dimension and Duration
- Large projects under this Call must have a total supportable cost greater than 20,000 euros and equal to or less than 75,000 euros, with eligible costs being co-financed by the Programme at a maximum rate of 90%;
- The maximum duration of selected projects under this Call is 20 months, with an expected start date in March 2022.