The Culture Programme aims the strengthening of cultural cooperation in Portugal, in particular to support projects that promote social and economic development through cultural cooperation, entrepreneurship and heritage management.
To accomplish this objective, the programme focus on two main areas:
In the area of Cultural Heritage:
- Aims to promote the rehabilitation and requalification of the movable, immovable and intangible cultural heritage of coastal areas; to support restoration and revitalization projects of degraded coastal cultural heritage through the assignment of new functions to and for the local community, such as community spaces, cultural spaces, traditional craft centers, local businesses, among others.
- Underwater heritage: with a predefined project, focus in the archeological nautical and underwater heritage through the safeguarding, protection, conservation, monitoring and dissemination, including the deposit of collections of archaeological artifacts in the local community.
- Cinematographic heritage: with a predefined project, through the digitization and dissemination of film heritage with a strong connection to the sea, in order to contribute to a better understanding of national traditions and identities.
In area of Arts:
- Aims to promote projects that contribute to the strengthening of arts provision, access and participation in low-density territories.
- This call will select programming projects designed for local communities, encompassing different artistic areas, such as visual arts, performing arts and cross-disciplinary arts and, as complementary areas, cinema and literature, the projects will be selecting by an open call.