Promoter: DGAE – Direção-Geral da Administração Escolar


Royal Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research

EEA Grants: 14 996,00 €

Total Amount: 16 662,50 €

Grace Code: PT-BI050


What did this initiative focus on?

The SG-Model initiative is a cooperation project between the Directorate General of School Administration and the Norwegian Ministry of Education which aims to carry out a comparative analysis of school governance models in force in the two countries and, based on this, to draw lessons that can lead to their improvement.

In order to develop the project, two national working groups were created which, together, integrate different entities from the two countries (school directors, teachers' representatives, responsible for the articulation between central and local government bodies). 

Throughout the last quarter of 2021 several working sessions were held where it was possible to proceed to the design and construction of the instruments of analysis of the school administration and management models in force in Portugal and Norway, indispensable tools for the achievement of the project objectives.

Objectives of the initiative:

  • To analyse school management systems in Portugal and Norway;
  • To collect inputs that may allow changes in the scope of the governance models in force.