CIARS Iniciative


BILLIG - Bilateral Lusophone  Literature Initiative using GIS and Linguistics Iniciative
Artificial Realities -  Virtual as an aesthetic medium in architectural ideation Iniciative

Artificial Realities - Virtual as an aesthetic medium in architectural ideation

Technical Cooperation and Exchange Meeting in Reykjavík, lceland Iniciative

Technical Cooperation and Exchange Meeting in Reykjavík, lceland

NAFA 2020 - Organizing 2020 NAFA International Ethnographic Film Festival Iniciative

NAFA 2020 - Organizing 2020 NAFA International Ethnographic Film Festival

Colab Walk my City Free Iniciative

Colab Walk my City Free

Ensemble neoN - neoN between Norway and Aveiro Iniciative

Ensemble neoN - neoN between Norway and Aveiro

ExtraSnack- Impact of the extrusion process on health-related properties of a pea and oat snack Iniciative

ExtraSnack- Impact of the extrusion process on health-related properties of a pea and oat snack

Opera4All - How to make Opera more attractive and accessible Iniciative

Opera4All - How to make Opera more attractive and accessible

Bird - Bilateral Interests on Research and Development Iniciative

Bird - Bilateral Interests on Research and Development

UAV4SEA - Technology development for drone-based coastal observations Iniciative

UAV4SEA - Technology development for drone-based coastal observations

Marine Lexicon - Bilateral construction of a cross-European thesaurus about early modern marine mammals Iniciative

Marine Lexicon - Bilateral construction of a cross-European thesaurus about early modern marine mammals

EXPO-Green - Exposure and health effects of bioaerosois in green professions Iniciative
 MycoClimaChange - Exposure to mycotoxins in a climate change scenario Iniciative

MycoClimaChange - Exposure to mycotoxins in a climate change scenario

Codfish Architecture - Architecture, Urbanisation and Fishing in Portugal and Norway Iniciative
Novel CART - targeting glycans for Cancer Immunotherapy Iniciative

Novel CART - targeting glycans for Cancer Immunotherapy

InfoBank for Norwegians moving to PT and Portuguese to NO Iniciative

InfoBank for Norwegians moving to PT and Portuguese to NO

PrivacyCoLab Iniciative


CLEANBIZ - Power-up Anti-bribery for Human Rights and Sustainable Development Iniciative

CLEANBIZ - Power-up Anti-bribery for Human Rights and Sustainable Development

EURO-ATLANTIC - The European and Atlantic dimensions of Portugal and Iceland’s foreign policies Iniciative

EURO-ATLANTIC - The European and Atlantic dimensions of Portugal and Iceland’s foreign policies

Geodynamics and vibrations - Geodynamics in the context of vibrations induced by rail traffic Iniciative

Geodynamics and vibrations - Geodynamics in the context of vibrations induced by rail traffic

Building Bridges - Sharing Good Practices between Unesco Global Geoparks Iniciative
New Ways Iniciative

New Ways

NO & PT: TOGETHER Iniciative


NAFA2020 - International Ethnographic Film Festival and Conference Iniciative

NAFA2020 - International Ethnographic Film Festival and Conference

DIS/CONNECT - individual digital disconnection Iniciative

DIS/CONNECT - individual digital disconnection

H-WHALE - A chronology of change: an Heritage network of historical WHALing in Europe Iniciative

H-WHALE - A chronology of change: an Heritage network of historical WHALing in Europe

ClimaBridge Iniciative


North Atlantic Security and Defense Strategy (NASDS) Iniciative

North Atlantic Security and Defense Strategy (NASDS)

Future Planning Iniciative

Future Planning

hiWOOL Iniciative


iSEA Iniciative


4Children Iniciative


Adaptchange - Technical Cooperation for Studying Adaptation to Environmental Change Iniciative

Adaptchange - Technical Cooperation for Studying Adaptation to Environmental Change

COOPERATIVE - Identifying human factors challenges in connected, cooperative, and automated vehicles use cases Iniciative

COOPERATIVE - Identifying human factors challenges in connected, cooperative, and automated vehicles use cases

NIS ISL & NOR Iniciative


NanoCalorics@PTNO Iniciative


FishNet - Network-building for global change research on fish Iniciative

FishNet - Network-building for global change research on fish

EFFICACY Iniciative


Collaborative Initiative for Innovation in Light Iniciative

Collaborative Initiative for Innovation in Light

Mapping Out Iniciative

Mapping Out

SG-MODEL Iniciative


SEED Keepers Iniciative

SEED Keepers

CoSki Iniciative


ARcTic South Iniciative

ARcTic South

AquaCell Iniciative


LOOK AT US Iniciative


Mit.OnOff Iniciative


AIRCOV: SARS-CoV-2 Iniciative


PROTIND Iniciative


Store2Sustain Iniciative


SHELLTER Iniciative


Tomorrow's Everydayness in Atlantic gastronomy Iniciative

Tomorrow's Everydayness in Atlantic gastronomy

TRACTION network Iniciative

TRACTION network

Innovative technologies for monitoring of heritage buildings and infrastructures Iniciative

Innovative technologies for monitoring of heritage buildings and infrastructures

Auction Design for renewables Iniciative

Auction Design for renewables

​​be-READY Iniciative


Sustainable Orchestras in Europe Iniciative

Sustainable Orchestras in Europe

Floating Offshore Wind Modelling Cooperation Iniciative

Floating Offshore Wind Modelling Cooperation

SHAREe Iniciative


SMART Iniciative


Coastal wave modelling in the World Surfing Reserve of Ericeira Iniciative

Coastal wave modelling in the World Surfing Reserve of Ericeira

Experiment Land Stage - Cortiçada Iniciative

Experiment Land Stage - Cortiçada

Innovation for Circular Competency Iniciative

Innovation for Circular Competency

Define(ing#PT) Iniciative


ITE-PractiMent Iniciative


COVinhib Iniciative


AIClimate@EU Iniciative


Microbiological contamination in cultural heritage settings Iniciative

Microbiological contamination in cultural heritage settings

HYMENAEUS Iniciative


TransVariations Iniciative


SHAPING Iniciative


PIPELIFE Iniciative


Roadmap4MarineCoproducts Iniciative


GEOCLIMAT Iniciative


DT4HEALT Iniciative


EVIDENCE Iniciative


ClockABC Iniciative


OPTIMIST-OP Iniciative


AquaDigest Iniciative


Legal-by-design digital disruption in the circular economy: an exploratory research project  Iniciative

Legal-by-design digital disruption in the circular economy: an exploratory research project

GREENER Iniciative


transHERITAGE Iniciative


LOKAL Iniciative


Climate Journalism goes to the university Iniciative

Climate Journalism goes to the university

CertiCoLab Iniciative


RE-WAY COOP Iniciative


Medieval colours Iniciativa

Medieval colours

Arctic Routes, Southern Ways Iniciative

Arctic Routes, Southern Ways

Agricultural Decarbonization for a Better Future Iniciative

Agricultural Decarbonization for a Better Future

HybGen - Hybrid Lifestyles Iniciative

HybGen - Hybrid Lifestyles

PDP 01 - Norway-Iceland-Portugal Business Opportunities under the EEA Grants Pre defined Iniciative

PDP 01 - Norway-Iceland-Portugal Business Opportunities under the EEA Grants

PDP 03 - Enhancing the protection of the rights of the child in priority areas Pre defined Iniciative

PDP 03 - Enhancing the protection of the rights of the child in priority areas

PDP 04 - Gender Equality Seminar in Iceland Pre defined Iniciative

PDP 04 - Gender Equality Seminar in Iceland

PDP 05 - NRP Sagres 2020: On the route of microplastics Pre defined Iniciative

PDP 05 - NRP Sagres 2020: On the route of microplastics

PDP 06 - e-Bug Pre defined Iniciative

PDP 06 - e-Bug

PDP 07 - Portugal and Iceland: investigating biodiversity and world changes together Pre defined Iniciative
PDP 08 - Empowering Public Administration through Knowledge and Innovation - Capacity Building Exchange Pre defined Iniciative

PDP 08 - Empowering Public Administration through Knowledge and Innovation - Capacity Building Exchange

PDP 09 - Benchmarking towards digital transformation in business registry Pre defined Iniciative

PDP 09 - Benchmarking towards digital transformation in business registry

PDP 10 - Exhibition on EEA Cooperation / Celebration of Europe Day Pre defined Iniciative

PDP 10 - Exhibition on EEA Cooperation / Celebration of Europe Day

PDP 11 - Preventing and combating fisheries crimes Pre defined Iniciative

PDP 11 - Preventing and combating fisheries crimes

PDP 13 - Atlantic Roots, Digital Future Pre defined Iniciative

PDP 13 - Atlantic Roots, Digital Future

PDP 12 - Coastal Ocean SYnergies between Norway and Portugal (COSYNOPT) Pre defined Iniciative

PDP 12 - Coastal Ocean SYnergies between Norway and Portugal (COSYNOPT)

PDP 14 - Joint Workshop on Marine Sciences IPMA - IMR Pre defined Iniciative

PDP 14 - Joint Workshop on Marine Sciences IPMA - IMR

PDP 16 - FILMSCHOOL Pre defined Iniciative


PDP 17 - EFTA Moot Court Pre defined Iniciative

PDP 17 - EFTA Moot Court

PDP 15 - Cooperation on good practices about the role of women in the IP field Pre defined Iniciative

PDP 15 - Cooperation on good practices about the role of women in the IP field