“Ocean Literacy for All” Workshop promoted new synergies in Ocean Literacy

IMG 20200106 WA0052

The Directorate-General for Maritime Policy, alongside the Blue School team, promoted the "Ocean Literacy for All" workshop, dedicated to support teachers and potential promoters in the scope of the SGS #3 of the Blue Growth Programme – EEA Grants.

The workshop was attended by potential promoters and teachers and took place in the auditorium of DGRM and in the Infante D. Henrique Nautical School, on January 6, 2020.

The session began with an introduction to the concept of Ocean Literacy and its evolution over the last few years. Participants took part in a Think Tank that allowed them to discuss Ocean Literacy in different sectors and to work together to devise literacy projects.

In the afternoon, the session started with a Shark Tank, where the groups presented the projects developed during the Think Tank. The role of ‘sharks’ was played here by Sandra Silva, Head of the Programming Department at DGPM; Raquel Costa (DGPM), coordinator of the Blue School Program; Luís Filipe Baptista, President of the Infante D. Henrique Nautical School, and João Correia, from Flying Sharks.

The session closed with a debriefing session on the application process for the SGS #3 of the Blue Growth Programme.

This workshop sought active interventions from the participants, in a logic of collaboration and facilitated synergies. It proved a success, enabling the sharing of different perspectives and strengthening the communication between different sectors within the scope of Ocean Literacy.


Presentation “Ocean Literacy for All

Presentation “From Paper to Practice: Preparing an EEA Grants Application

List of documents to submit the application