This call aims the conservation and rehabilitation of coastal cultural heritage, listed or in the process of listing and the revitalization for local communities, namely in the adaptation of spaces into memory and interpretation centers, into development of traditional activities hubs, reinforcing feelings of belonging, appropriation of culture, knowledge and identity.
The eligible applicants are: Any entity, public or private, commercial or non-commercial and non-governmental organizations, established as a legal person in Portugal, as well as natural persons who are legal residents in Portugal.
The total amount available for this Call is € 4.397.809 with a maximum grant per project of 750.000 € and a minimum of 500.000 €, with a co-financing rate up to 85%. for a minimum of 24 months and a maximum of 48 months.
75% of the grant must cover physical interventions: rehabilitation and conservation of immovable heritage; and 25% of the grant must promote intangible heritage: enhancement of cultural practices, representations and expressions, as well as traditional knowledge and techniques.
Projects should be developed under partnerships, with Portuguese and/or Donor States entities, and must present a development plan on sustainable use of the cultural heritage as an open resource for the local communities.