Promoter: MVAC – Mala Voadora - Cultural Association


BIT Teatergarasjen

RÚV - Ríkisútvarpið

Franzisca Aarflot produksjoner

Christiani Wetter

Município de Santiago do Cacém

EEA Grants: 413.616,69

Total Amount: 538.002,98


CAMPILHAS and INTERNATIONAL are two words that evoke two contrasting scales: the scale of a place in the Municipality of Santiago do Cacém, where there is a dam, and the scale of the world. These are the two scales that define this project that intends, on one hand, to implement itself from micro-contexts – avoiding being a foreign body and entering into symbiosis with what is “local” – and, on the other hand, to establish ties with what is far away. We have gathered a group of partners with whom we feel a strong artistic empathy and whose skills are directly related to our goals: RÚV-National Broadcasting of Iceland, BIT Teatergarasjen and Franzisca Aarflot Produksjoner, both from Norway, and the playwright and actress Christiani Wetter from Liechtenstein – all artists and structures widely rooted in international circuits.

The radio theatre, which is 100 years old, will be reinvented as a “virtual show”, through the participation of writers, musicians and sound technicians with a declared experimental vocation; the work of a group of unemployed people will be transformed into dance – a “labor ballet”; the observation of reality will be transcended through its fictionalization audiowalks; the artists will follow what the audience determines; the work processes will be exposed and demystified before everyone's eyes. Far from understanding the circumstances of our set mission as an adversity, they seem to us as an opportunity to reinvent the very own models of artistic production: “who”, “how” and “what”.

CAMPILHAS INTERNATIONAL is an ambitious programme that ensures that art effectively reaches everyone. The artwork is shared, while the audience decides the art they wish to see. Boundaries are broken down and connections are created. "Connecting dots".
