Coastal Cultural Center | Sesimbra

Coastal Cultural Center | Sesimbra

Promoter: Sesimbra Municipality


Museu Marítimo de Norsk

UiT - Museu da Universidade Ártica da Noruega

Associação dos Armadores da Pesca Artesanal e Local do Centro e Sul

ArtesanalPesca - Organização de Produtores de Pesca, CRL

EEA Grants: 1.114.481,55

Total Amount: 1.311.154,76



The main objective of the Coastal Cultural Center | Sesimbra project is to boost the local economy, to promote sustainable fishing and the identity of fishing activity, to safeguard the traditional crafts such as wooden shipbuilding, to value the maritime cultural heritage, to implement new technologies for fish processing and to encourage the production of knowledge regarding the sea, through the creation of partnerships with Norwegian and local entities.

This project is based on eight main components:

  1. To rehabilitate the centenary building, where the Maritime Knowledge and Culture Center will be installed, with a museological value, integrating conservation laboratories, research offices, a visitable reserve and an area for educational activities;
  2. To create a new digital incentive management system for objects and multimedia, optimizing the endurance of memories and testimonies, but also of objects, enjoying the connection between them and as memories of each donor;
  3. To create a shop to promote and sell recovered traditional products, such as canned preserves, made from artisanal fishing, an asset for local entrepreneurship;
  4. To promote the exchange of knowledge in the shipbuilding, museum conservation and restoration, fishing techniques and fish processing areas, enhancing new technologies and sharing experiences;
  5. To implement a dissemination and communication campaign to affirm the sense of local identity, through the partnerships established and the election of the active benefits of sustainable fishing;
  6. To design a program of shared activities with the community around the maritime cultural heritage, involving new local players and at the same time diversifying as potential audiences;
  7. To hold an exhibition event, “Thinking about the Future of the Oceans” (“Pensar o Futuro dos Oceanos”), in Portugal and Norway, focused on young people starting their professional future on the relevance of maritime activities and sustainable fishing;
  8. To organize scientific seminars resulting from common partnerships, with the presence of researchers, students, and community members, for dissemination of the achieved results.