Promoter: Ci.CLO - Photography Platform


Surnadal Billag AS

Município de Alijó

Município de Mêda

Município de Torre de Moncorvo

Município de Lamego

Fundação Museu do Douro

EEA Grants: 430.695,55

Total Amount: 515.679,54


Embracing the ideas of “animate”, “live” and “stay”, Vivificar seeks creative answers to the challenge of population settlement in four low-density municipalities in the Douro region, based on creating dialogues with communities and deepening perspectives on the socio-economic, ecological and cultural contexts of the territories in question.

Vivificar is an immersive and transdisciplinary project that articulates photography, new media and architecture to promote encounters between Douro, national and Norwegian artists with local communities through participatory strategies for the creation and exhibition of community-specific artworks.

The project reinforces the access, empowerment, critical thinking and involvement of the population, particularly the young adults, fostering the creation of connections with the region and contributing to its cultural development. Vivificar involves creative learning processes with medium and long-term impact, with the potential to create synergies between artists, populations and territory, enhancing positive changes in everyone who, directly or indirectly, participates in this project.

Vivificar is organized and produced by the Ci.CLO Platform, funded by the EEA Grants and operated by the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage with the Directorate-General for the Arts as a partner in the programme, co-financed by the Douro Museum Foundation, Alijó City Council, Lamego City Council, Mêda City Council and Torre de Moncorvo City Council, with the patronage support of BPI and the “La Caixa” Foundation, and in partnership with Surnadal Billag A/S (Norway) and the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro.