Environment Programme presents Local Adaptation Projects

Environment Programme presents Local Adaptation Projects

Today, at the Secretary General for Environment, projects from the Environment Program financed by the EEA Grants were presented, dedicated to the theme: Projects to strengthen adaptation to climate change at the local level

The event took place at 9:45 am in the Noble Hall of the Secretary General for Environment and was transmitted via streaming.

The 16 Environment Programme projects financed by the EEA Grants under the Small Grants Scheme # 3 were presented through the production of a video, with the Promoters watching from a distance.

These projects aim at the elaboration of adaptation strategies and adaptation plans at the local scale, as well as the operationalization of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Plans aligned with the vulnerabilities and measures identified in the Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (P- 3AC).

Below you can see the list of approved projects, as well as the video presentation of each one:

Renaturalizar para adaptar

Estratégia Municipal de Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas do Concelho de Almodôvar




Viver o Clima no Baixo Alentejo

Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas em Vila Nova de Poiares

Cuidar Braga II-Proteger a Natureza, Pessoas e Bens

Oeste Adapta

Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas em Mértola Setores da Segurança de Pessoas e Bens e do Turismo

AwK - Adaptation with Knowledge, Climate Change

Plano de Valorização e Reabilitação das Linhas de Água do Município do Porto

Plano Estratégico de Reabilitação de Linhas de Água (PERLA)


Galerias Ripícolas e Linhas de Águas Vila do Conde e Reserva Ornitológica de Mindelo

Além Risco