Webinar "Pre-demolition audits – Built to unbuild"


The CLOSER - Close to Resources Recovery project, funded by EEA Grants Portugal, aims to develop and implement a Portuguese guide for pre-demolition and/or rehabilitation audits of buildings

In continuation of the project's activity, the Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), the Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA) and the Instituto dos Mercados Públicos do Imobiliário e da Construção (IMPIC) will hold on 21 June at 14:30 the webinar "Pre-demolition audits – Built to unbuild".

The webinar includes an initial session that includes presentations regarding EEA Grants Portugal, the activity developed in the CLOSER project; the new legislation for CDW and the Level(s) tool for sustainable performance of buildings. This will be followed by the round table discussion on "Raising awareness for the responsible demolition of buildings", in which Ana Carvalho (Municipality of Figueira da Foz), Carlos Mineiro Aires (President of the Portuguese Order of Engineers), Catarina Barreiros (CEO of Do-zero), Maria Ramalho (Casais Engenharia) and Josefina Lindblom (European Commission) will participate.

This is an opportunity to talk about Circular Economy practices, in particular regarding Resource Efficiency.