Workshop Data Templates – Awareness

Workshop Data Templates – Awareness

On the 17th of November, the GrowingCircle project carried out yet another dissemination action, the workshop Data Templates – Awareness (Introductory Concepts), thus starting a process of competences certification on knowledge and use of Data Templates

Data Templates are standardized metadata structures that can, for the construction process, leverage digital processes, contributing to performance improvements and sustainability goals accomplishment, including higher adoption of circular economy practices.

In addition to the opening session and presentation of the introductory concepts, you can review the presentation at: (in Portuguese), the event featured a debate where representatives from Built CoLab and APCMC and the UAveiroGreenBuilding and Circular EcoBIM projects were present and presented their visions. These two projects are also financed under the EEA Grants 2014 – 2021 - Environment, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy program.

Training actions are being prepared, which will be announced shortly, to obtain a more advanced level of knowledge. In the meantime, watch the video and evaluate your knowledge on Data Templates by filling out the form:

Soon, there will be a similar session and form for evaluation in English. Follow the news on our LinkedIn page: