PAB_LivingLab - Vive a descarbonização no Parque Adão Barata


Promoter: AIDGLOBAL - Acção e Integração para o Desenvolvimento Global


- Câmara Municipal de Loures

- Instituto Superior Técnico

- Building Information Modeling +, S.A.

- DST Solar, S.A.

- Innovation Point - Investigação e Desenvolvimento, S.A.




EEA Grants: 716 134,48

Total Amount: 903 855,09

Grace Code: PT-ENVIRONMENT-0054


The project "PAB_LivingLab - Vive a descarbonização no Parque Adão Barata " aims to reduce the carbon intensity of the activities and services of Parque Adão Barata (PAB) by implementing innovative and integrated technological solutions. Since the beginning, the project intends to involve whole community in the development of these technologies, in order to enhance their rapid appropriation; train the entire value chain, to promote active citizenship; and raise awareness of the population on the benefits of adopting sustainable lifestyles.

The low-carbon measures implemented in PAB are expected to benefit a total of 61 170 people.

See presentation

See video

See website