CIG was at the Gender Equality Conference in Reykjavík, Iceland, on the 31st october and 1st November. This conference aimed to strengthen bilateral relations between countries, promote cooperation under the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism, and also share and disseminate good practices and experiences in the field of Gender Equality.
The Work-life Balance and Gender Equality Programme, run by CIG and funded by that financial mechanism, was represented on all Conference panels, which also reflect the Programme's priority areas of intervention, including work-life balance, good governance and domestic and gender based violence.
Carlos Duarte, Vice President of CIG moderated the panel “Portugal, Iceland and Norway - a great match!”, where were presented good practices of EEA Grants in terms of cooperation and bilateral relations, in the area of gender equality.
Begoña Suarez, from the Instituto de la Mujer and e para la Igualdad de Oportunidades (Spain), was invited by CIG to present the project “Promociona”, which had good results in training and mentoring of women for top positions. This project, from the previous Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, will be replicated in the Work-life Balance and Gender Equality Programme, and addressed the good cooperation that has been developed between donor and beneficiary states in partnership.
At the Roundtable Session "Combatting Sexual and Gender-Based Violence", Marta Silva, Head of the CIG's Domestic and Gender Based Violentce Unit presented Portuguese policies and practices in this area and, in particular, the project “Sexual Violence in Intimate Relationships”.
The other panels had interventions by other Portuguese experts, representing the Project Promoters, Project Partners in projects funded by the Programme and social partners, in the Roundtabel sessions "Institutional mechanisms", "Women in the Workplace" and "Empowering women": Antonieta Ministro, GEP/MTSS; Cristina Trony, UGT; Bernardo Coelho, CIEG/ISCSP; Teresa Cyrne, CGTP-IN; Carla Sequeira, CIP.
Carlos Duarte, with Kristín Árnadóttir, Ambassador for Gender Equality (Iceland) and Aud Lise Norheim, Norwegian Ambassador to Iceland, closed the Conference.
This bilateral initiative, funded by the EEA Grants Bilateral Relations Fund of Portugal, was co-organized between CIG, as Programme Operator of the Work-life Balance and Gender Equality Programme (EEA Grants Financial Mechanism 2014-2021), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iceland, the Norwegian Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud (LDO) and the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO).
For more information, see the Programme.
Watch again the full livestream.
Click below to watch the little wrap-up video looking back at two very inspiring days in the Conference: