Through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, as Donor States, in 15 European Union Member States, initiatives and projects will be funded with a view to reduce economic and social disparities and strength bilateral relations with Beneficiary States.
The Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG) was designated Programme Operator of the Work-Life Balance programme in partnership with the Norwegian Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud (LDO).
Small Grant Scheme #1 – Studies on the economic impact of gender equality, starts today with a total allocation of €200.000 and will remain open until the 10th May
A) Study on reducing the sexual segregation of professions in the labour market;
B) Study on reducing the gender pay gap;
C) Study on the value of unpaid work (domestic and care);
D) Study on the impact of (un)equal share of unpaid work (domestic and care).
Any entity, public or private, commercial or non-commercial and non-governmental organisations, established as a legal person in Portugal are considered eligible project promoters.
Programme Operator will value applications from higher education institutions and research centres, and other entities specialized in the study methodologies.
The total amount available is €200.000.The Minimum grant amount per project is €20.000 and Maximum grant amount per project is €60.000.
The selected projects shall contribute to “Enhanced gender equal opportunities in the labour market” and to “Knowledge on workplace-related gender equality generated”. The duration of projects is up to 18 months.
For more information: