PDP1 - Equality Platform and Standard

Equality Platform and Standard

Promoter: Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE)


Norwegian Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud (LDO, Noruega)

Jafnrettisstofa (Directorate of Equality, Islândia)

Portuguese Quality Institute (IPQ)

Strategic and Planning Department of the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security (GEP/MTSSS)

EEA Grants: 330,000

Total Amount: 330,000


What is the project about?

The Equality Platform and Standard Project aims to promote gender equality and to fight persistent gender disparities in the labor market, namely on gender pay gap and impacts.


What will it achieve?

  • Build an IT platform to monitor the implementation of the public policies in the framework of the Agenda for Equality in the Labour Market and in Business. To build this platform it will be necessary to identify and analyse the policies to be monitored and assess gaps in existing indicators and then develop a set of indicators allowing the monitoring of these policies.
  • Prepare the Portuguese Reference Document for an Equal Pay Standard Management System. In this process, the Project will exchange experience with the partner from Iceland (Jafnrettisstofa - Directorate of Equality, Iceland), which integrated the Technical Ccommittee that built the Icelandic Equal Pay Standard. The purpose of this cooperation is to learn from the Icelandic experience and assess the potential transferability of the Icelandic Equal Pay Standard to the Portuguese context.
  • Inform specific target groups about the Equal Pay Standard elaborated and its relevance.


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