HomeWork: gender in/equalities in the telework and cohabitation conciliation

HomeWork: gender in/equalities in the telework and cohabitation conciliation

Promoter: Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto


Confederação Geral dos Trabalhadores Portugueses – Intersindical Nacional (CGTP)
FAFO - Institute for Labour and Social Research

EEA Grants: 115.240,03

Total Amount: 115.240,03


What is the project about?

This project aims to assess impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on work-life balance (WLB) and, as a result, contribute to the Portuguese legal system. During COVID-19 pandemic, the Portuguese Government ruled for labour reorganisation with compulsory home teleworking, with implications on personal and professional dynamics. It is urgent to know the impacts on family/cohabitation dynamics, looking at gender differences and the impacts on gender equality (GE).

It is an Small Grant Scheme #3 project: White books/studies to foster gender equality

What will it achieve?

  • Research and Systematization of State of the Art (inter/national) on the pandemic impacts in WLB (focusing telework);

  • Empirical Study on experiences of conciliation of telework with cohabitational/ family context;

  • Public Policy Proposals Production, with focus on legislation and organizational practices of telework as a tool for GE;

  • White Paper Conclusion with critical integration of outcomes.


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