Social and economic benefits of equal pay for women and men

Gender Pay Gap-E

Promoter: School of Economics & Management (ISEG)


EDDA – Research Center


CESIS - Center for Studies for Social Intervention

EEA Grants: 59.995

Total Amount: 59.995


What is the project about?

The Social and economic benefits of equal pay for women and men (Gender Pay Gap-E) project seeks to estimate the potential increase in women's wages and the income of women and families in Portugal by eliminating pay inequality between men and women. At the same time, it intends to assess the consequences of this in the reduction of poverty in the country. It also intends to analyze the effect of the pay differential in Portuguese territories. This should highlight the territorial contexts in which mitigation of pay discrepancies will be more beneficial to the economy.

It is a Small Grant Scheme #1 project - Studies on the economic impact of gender equality.

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The Project estimated the benefits resulting from the elimination of the gender pay gap, in terms of income and protection against poverty, as well as the possible macroeconomic benefits of equal pay in terms of the GDP. An economic case shedding light on both the economic and social benefits of the elimination of the gender pay gap was developed and disseminated. Based on a collaborative and participatory methodological approach, a policy brief with recommendations for the policy and institutional national framework was also drawn up.