Promoter: CNET - Centre for New Energy Technologies, S.A. / NEW R&D


CEiiA - Centro de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento

EDP Inovação, S.A.

LusoTechnip Engenharia

WAVEC Offshore Renewables - Centro de Energias Renováveis

TechnipFMC - FMC Kongsberg Subsea, A.S.

Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge

EEA Grants: 380.155,00€

Total Amount: 447.241,00€

Grace Code: PT-INNOVATION-0017



BEHYOND project aims to develop an innovative modular solution for hydrogen production from offshore wind energy, for several end-users.

It is intended that the solution can be deployed worldwide, producing and transferring hydrogen in large-scale and contributing to address the increasing challenges of the energy sector, namely the growth of renewables penetration in the power system, which are highly intermittent and dependent on market-based revenues.

Increasing the share of hydrogen in the final energy demand is fundamental to enlarge the low-carbon energy sources share in the global energy mix by decarbonizing hard-to-abate applications and promoting environmental sustainability.