
Promoter: SOLVIT - Innovation on Telecomunications, Lda.


AD AIR Centre - Associação para o desenvolvimento do Atlantic International Research centre

LOTAÇOR – Serviço de Lotas dos Açores, S.A.

Docapesca - Portos e Lotas, S.A.Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa

Uavision - Engenharia de Sistemas, Lda.

Associação Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia da Ilha Terceira

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

EEA Grants: 556.898,00€

Total Amount: 655.174,00€

Grace Code: PT-INNOVATION-0100



The project will develop a system (Custodian), consisting of three low-cost devices and a web platform for tracking small vessels and buoys. This will aid fisherman in their operations and equipment management, as well local authorities and businesses bringing all parts together to optimize this industry and minimize losses and pollution. During testing of the prototypes, fishermen might encounter savings due to: i) the faster location of the fishing gear; ii) recover of potentially lost nets; iii) fishermen testing the prototype of the service that provides real-time market pricing may also experience an increase in net profit due to the timely choice of market based on the current catch.