Promoter: CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental
Partners:No partners.
EEA Grants: 21.250,00€
Total Amount: 25.000,00€
Grace Code: PT-INNOVATION-0045
Nowadays, there is a very limited work related to Ocean in the classroom by elementary schools in general, including those in the countryside. This situation stems from the lack of up-to-date scientific knowledge by teachers and resources they can easily fit into the curricular needs of students.
The OceanClass project aims to address these limitations by promoting the work related to Ocean in the elementary school classroom, and empowering future generations and the common citizen to protect the Ocean and adopt more sustainable attitudes in the long term.
Project activities include:
- Development of a handbook of scientific contents about the Ocean and practical activities to support teachers in the classroom. The contents will be produced in conjunction with the school curricula, being tested with teachers and students from three schools in northern Portugal.
- Organization of training courses for teachers in Ocean literacy.
- Conducting awareness campaigns on Ocean science for the general public with expository modules and practical activities.