On the Wave
On the Wave
Promoter: INOVA+ - Innovation Services, S.A.
Partners:FOR-MAR - Centro de Formação Profissional das Pescas e do Mar
SPEA - Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves
Simsea Real Operations, S.A.
EEA Grants: 202.699,00€
Total Amount: 238.470,00€
Grace Code: PT-INNOVATION-0071
Education and training are essential to efficiently fill in the skills gap from a transition towards a greener, more digitalized, and sustainable maritime sector.
On The Wave project aims to design and develop training courses and support materials, capable of being implemented in formal and non-formal learning contexts, aimed at new trainees (initial training) and/or experienced professional (continuous training), namely the maritime trainers (an essential and intermediate part in delivering the necessary knowledge, skills, and competences to the future and current maritime workforce).
The project focuses on a collaborative capacity-building process which includes the holistic development of a distance/blended learning training methodology for maritime training, short-duration training units, and a set of online Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) training courses. It therefore intends that seafarers increasingly possess key skills for adapting to a rapidly changing maritime labour market and enable them to contribute to increased value creation and sustainable growth of the sector.