Physalia physalis
Physalia physalis
Promoter: Mesosystem, S.A.
Partners:Universidade dos Açores
Universidade do Minho
Nofima AS
EEA Grants: 726.773,00€
Total Amount: 855.027,00€
Grace Code: PT-INNOVATION-0096
The increase in average life expectancy over the years has increased the population's concern for the development of cosmetics and effective cosmetics in attenuating the signs of aging.
Consequently, the search for sustainable collagen extraction sources and the development of rich formulations in this compound or by molecules that stimulate its production has gained special industrial interest. Recently, Physalia Physalis, (P. Physalis) marine hydrozoan, has been identified as a very rich source of collagen and toxins with important biological and therapeutic properties. Due to the need to control this species due to its toxicity and negative effects on fishing activity, tourism and coastal aquaculture, the use of P. Physalis as a source of extraction of collagen and toxins has gained special interest.
In this way, this project aims to harness the potential of one of the most dangerous and valuable marine species in our oceans for mass extraction and development of products rich in collagen and toxins with potential use in biomedicine, cosmetic industry and pharmaceutical. To achieve the objectives will be optimized the methods of mass extraction of these compounds, will be extracted hydrogenic collagen rich in oligopeptides and developed new formulations and products rich in these compounds with cosmetic and pharmaceutical potential.