Promoter: PHYTOALGAE, Lda.
Partners:Universidade da Madeira
EEA Grants: 494.696,00€
Total Amount: 581.995,00€
Grace Code: PT-INNOVATION-0118
The PhytoNUTRE project rises from the company current capacity to produce microalgae with high nutritional value and economic potential, and the need to diversify and differentiate itself in the national and international markets. The main purpose is to produce food supplements from the protein fraction with high market value and high nutraceutical capacity.
These compounds are known for their great human nutritional capacity and diversity of applications in industry and human health, in the case of enzymes.
In this way, protein-based products can be developed, with a high market value, differentiated from others and with great biological capacity for the health of the world population.
The food supplements developed in this project come from microalgae cultivated in planar photobioreactors, in which the nutrients made available in the culture will be the target of an optimization process.
The partnership established between the company Phytoalgae (promoter) and the University of Madeira, in this project, allow a reinforcement in the investigation and analytical characterization of these products, as well as the implementation of high productive quality parameters and biological certification.