Promoter: Instituto Superior de Agronomia da Universidade de Lisboa


Pagarete Microalgae Solutions Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.

Instituto Superior Técnico

NORCE - Norwegian Research Centre, A.S.

EEA Grants: 842.533,00€

Total Amount: 991.215,00€

Grace Code: PT-INNOVATION-0075



Microalgae are emerging as an attractive biological resource for sustainable production on a large scale, promoting the blue bioeconomy and are already considered one of the most promising sources of new food products. However, the incorporation of microalgae has limitations in terms of sensory properties and consumer acceptance, mainly due to the colour and taste of the sea.

The YUM ALGAE project aims to improve the overall sensory quality of microalgae as a food ingredient, using enzymes, which will target two of the main organoleptic characteristics (aroma, flavor, color): the fish-like smell associated to volatile compounds and the green dark color from the microalgal pigments. In this project, two staple foods will be considered as case studies: bread and cheese, in which microalgae submitted to enzymatic treatment and produced without treatment will be incorporated, in order to evaluate the impact on the sensory profile.

YUM ALGAE will contribute to increasing the value associated with marine bioresources in line with the principles that define the blue biotechnology. Moreover, it will make it possible to overcome the obstacles associated with the consumption of microalgae as a food ingredient, increasing its potential for use as a response to the population’s needs in terms of more sustainable food solutions, promoting blue growth.